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Digital News Unit: Pole Fitness Idea

Helen came up with a great idea which was to film pole fitness and show the audience that it's a genuine sport which is great for fitness and strength. Many people associate pole dancing with "sluts" and clubs, however we want to show the audience that it's better than that and girls do it for fun as a hobby

After extensive research, I have found out that pole fitness is defined as:

"A combination of acrobatics and gymnastics on a pole"

This definition in itself shows that it's considered a sport as gymnastics is a worldwide sport which features in big events like the Olympic Games. Pole fitness is growing in popularity each year, and now it's been known that they want it to feature in the Olympic Games along with gymnastics.

I have been watching videos on pole fitness, and this one caught my eye as it shows you the basic steps, as well as showing the audience it's not just for being "sexy"

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