Duration (secs)
Blurred clip of a male shouting at a female (domestic violence)
Graphics of statistics appear
COMM: “Domestic violence leads to, on average, two women being murdered each week and 30 men per year. This problem is becoming all too common in England and Wales; yet only 35% of domestic violence incidents are reported to the police”
00:00 – 00:10
INT; Door saying: “waiting room”
Opens door and camera begins to walk in
COMM: “Which is why we have set up a social experiment to see how the innocent public react to these actions taking place.. right in front of their eyes..”
00:10 – 00:16
INT; PAN of “waiting room”, pausing and highlighting each hidden camera
Graphic of actors and actress’ face pops up
COMM: “ We have carefully placed hidden cameras here... here… and here… so we can capture their reactions to the violence. Which will be performed by our professional actors NAME and NAME”
00:16 – 00:30
INT; Door closes with a sign saying “Auditions in process”
COMM: “Let the experiment begin”
00:30 – 00:35
INT; L/S Various clips, from the hidden cameras, of the innocent “victims” walking in and being shown to the “waiting room”
General chat between runner and the “victim”
“So how was your journey?”
“Been to the studios before?”
“This is where you’ll be auditioning”
00:35 – 00:45
INT; HIDDEN CAMERAS inside the “waiting room” where the “victims” sit in their designated seat
Runner: “if you’d like to sit down and look at the script”
00:45 – 00:50
INT; L/S of actor/actress walking in from the audition…
M/S of the other actor/actress hanging up the phone abruptly
C/U of “victims” reactions
M/S of phone being smacked out of users hand
L/S of actor/actress pushing/slapping
L/S of abuser walking out
C/S of “victims” reactions
Actors: “Who was that?”
“No one, sit down.. How was the audition?”
“Do you really think I’m that stupid?”
“Calm down, we’ll sort this out later”
“No, we are going to settle this right now!!”
00:50 – 01:20
Runner comes in, tells them it’s an experiment and then shows the “victims” an iPad so they can watch their own reactions and talk it through, answering questions
COMM: “So what were your initial thoughts when you saw the confrontation?”
“Why did you/didn’t react?”
“Would you have reacted differently if the gender roles were switched?”
01:20 – 01:50
Sequence of clips of the reactions of the “victims”
COMM: “As you can see; domestic violence is not nice for anyone to experience.. Hopefully victims and spectators will speak up when it counts.”
01:50 – 02:00
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