I got asked by the BBC if I could work for them as a runner for the popular programme - Later With Jools Holland. I was extremely happy and proud to have been asked, and of course I said yes. It involved 7 weeks of working with the audiences and with the VIP's of the bands on the show.
For the first half of the day I worked with the audience, which involved scanning their tickets and giving them stickers to get in. I found this very enjoyable as I got to experience working with the public and using pieces of technology I've never used before.
For the second half of the day I worked with the guests of the bands on the shows. This included serving drinks to the tables for both the recorded show, and the live show. This was also great because I experienced working under strict time periods (serving the drinks at particular times when the cameras were facing the other way).
Overall it was a brilliant experience which I enjoyed very much. I learnt a whole host of new skills and met some great people.
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