- Roy Dyer is the founder and chief instructor at Brentwood Dog Training Centre
- He is a leading expert in animal behaviour
- Received an International Lifetime Achievement Award for his work within the canine world
- In 2008 was invited by Her Majesty the Queen to Buckingham Palace for recognition of his charity and community work.
- Britain's longest established and leading dog display team
- Essex Dog Training Centre was voted "The Best Dog Training Facility in the UK" by the public
Documentary Unit: Roy Dyer Profile
Documentary Unit: Filming
We had to alter our script on the day of filming due to the bad weather conditions. We changed the playing football outside scene, to playing FIFA 14 on the Playstation4. We achieved this by filming myself and Andy preparing to go outside with a football under my arm; then proceeding to open the door for me to then realise it's raining. It will then cut to Andy and I playing football on the PS4 instead.
This turned out really well, and I was happy with our improvisation - thinking fast on our feet.
Documentary Unit: Mini Project Script
Clock face at 9am
Uptown Girl
Danny walks down the stairs
Noise from feet on the stairs
Danny burps/farts
Burp/fart noise from Danny
Danny sits on sofa, turns on TV
Sound when you sit on leather
Danny stroke’s the dogs
Sound from the TV and the controller
Shot of T.O.W.I.E on TV
SHUT UUUUP, sound of the TV
Danny leaves the sofa
Silence from turning off the TV
Goes upstairs, gets dressed for football
Noise from feet on the stairs
Walks out of door
Door slams
Plays football
Sound from feet and ball while playing
Walks through the front door
Door slams
Goes for shower
Running water
Starts to cook
Pots and Pans banging
Swallowing and chopping food
Plays Fifa
Sound from controller and Danny cheering
Clock face at 11pm
Documentary Unit: Mini Project Ideas
We have decided to film a day in my life for our mini project. This will consist of my everyday activities/hobbies. Different camera shots will be used to make the film more interesting and captivating for the audience. For example, the toilet scene will include a POV shot; whereas the television scene will include medium shots and close-ups.
Documentary Unit: Research
- Cynophobia is the abnormal fear of dogs
- These professional canines, along with the training centre, help children become more comfortable around dogs - free of charge at Roy's training centre
- Most common age of sufferers are young children (5-9)
- A study done in South Africa by Drs. Willem A. Hoffmann and Lourens H. Human further confirms this conclusion for patients suffering from cynophobia and additionally found dog phobia phobia developing as late as 20
- Animal phobias are more common in females then males
- Roy's centre boasts a 98% success rate with making children feel more comfortable with dogs
Documentary Unit: Contacting Roy
Documentary Unit: Contacting Roy
Documentary Unit: Contacting Roy
Documentary Unit: Project Brief
Documentary Unit: Pitch
A documentary about Ability Dogs and their incredible
talents. We follow people with debilitating
conditions as they tell their heartwarming stories about their special dogs